Tuesday, 14 June 2016

WIN A GIFT CARD: #Giveaway Tour: Club Revenge by @JMDabney_Author #LGBT #Fantasy

Welcome to the Book Tour for Club Revenge by J.M. Dabney. And be sure to read to the bottom for your chance to win a $25 Amazon eGift card from Sensuous Promos! 

A family forged in battle. Amora Medina-Jackyl knew one thing well—vengeance. She’d inflicted pain without mercy to those who deserved the punishment. She’d lived by one motto her entire existence-- family was to be protected above all else. An ancient cult murdered her parents and siblings when she was little more than a child. The Order of Angelus hadn’t understood the Hell they’d brought down on themselves that one brutal night. Amora was many things in her four centuries. A daughter and a sister, a mother, yet she was best known as a killer. When she finally meets her end, Amora will have hundreds, maybe thousands of lives to answer for. Her only wish is to find one moment of peace. She denies her need as much as she fights to protect it. When the one woman who can bring her serenity comes into her life: can Amora destroy century old walls to let her in? Lies and conspiracies tear at the fabric of sanity—of what’s right. Can truths come to light that change the reality of a family who’s known only the taste of revenge and loss?

Excerpt #1: (R-rated: Violence and Language) 

“I don't need your fucking lectures.”

“Too damn bad, you're getting one. I won't allow you to hunt my people. What would you have done if we didn't get here in time,” Seamus asked.

“Fed,” Amora answered with brutal honesty. A hidden part of her, one she’d long buried urged her to feel something other than bloodlust—desire.

“We've been friends and allies for over a century and I've allowed,” Amora advanced, cutting off what Seamus would say next.

“Allowed, you've let me do nothing,” she hissed.

“Shut up, Jackyl, you're not a monster, you're more than what they created in that goddamn cell. I won't countenance your self-destruction anymore. Over the last three centuries you've done everything to live down to your training. Will you attack my mate if the thirst gets to be too much one day?”

“I would never touch Yvette,” She bellowed and clenched her fists.

“How can I be sure of that? You chased down an innocent and attacked her.”

“It's none of your business.” The beautiful stranger, Lark, her scent still overwhelmed Amora’s senses. It wasn’t the usual craving—the need to only feed and fuck—this had been something different. What it was terrified her more than the nightmares or the threat of captivity.

“Don't make me have to kill you, my friend, the battle may be bloody and more than likely I wouldn't win, but you pull this shit again I'll put you down. Don't push me, Amora.” Seamus turned away. “Someone will keep an eye on you until you leave. You're a danger to my pack members and I never thought I'd ever say that.”

The threat and promise in Seamus’ voice were clear. He wouldn’t hesitate to end her life. She could’ve forced his hand and dragged him into a fight. Dying in battle was an honor, Valkyries swooped down to take those who’d earned an honorable death and their place in Heaven—Valhalla. It wasn’t for Amora, there wasn’t anything noble in her battles. Maybe her intentions skirted the edges, but in the end all she wanted was her fix. The sweet promise of fear and the rush of her one real high.

Amora straightened and watched one of her oldest friends walk away from you. Seamus disappeared into the line of trees. She instantly sensed a wolf and leopard in the darkness. Seamus could have his power-play and treat her like a wild animal because Amora was. She was only instinct. The desire to survive by any means necessary.

Although, one of the last remaining pieces of her humanity cracked. Amora was a monster, no more than fangs and cruelty. She shook her head and retreated into the shadows in the opposite direction from the camp. The truth was she couldn't be trusted and sooner or later she'd meet her demise. Because as Seamus believed Amora was a dangerous animal in need of death. She just wasn't ready to die today, maybe tomorrow.

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Author Bio

By day, she's an introverted cook hiding out in her kitchen in the middle of nowhere Ohio, by night and any free time she may have, she is a writer of mainly LGBTQ Fiction and Erotica. Although. she's equal opportunity when it comes to telling a story, she'll even write a bit of straight erotic romance when the mood strikes.

She has been writing for years in old notebooks. At the age of eight, she wrote the worst poem in the history of poetry, but it sparked her love for writing. She reads too much and loves to get lost in other worlds and her favorite stories have to include laughter and having the reader doing at least one double take. Thirty-something, forever restless she uses her stories to ground herself, and find her place of peace.

Author’s Social Media links


Leave a comment below (along with your email address) for your chance to win a $25 Amazon eGift Card. 

And stop by all the other stops on this tour to increase your chances of winning! 















Thursday, 9 June 2016

Is It Better To Be Safe or Loved... Can't Forget by @ColleenSMyers #Suspense #Romance

Is it better to be safe or loved?

Four months have passed since the E’mani destroyed the Earth and scooped up the remains. Elizabeth “Beta” Camden was one of
those taken. With the help of their enemies, the Fost, she escapes and confronts her prior captors successfully. Though she knows she should remain vigilant toward the E’mani, she follows her heart instead and falls in love with Marin, the sexy Fost warrior.

She should have trusted her first instinct. 

This time the E’mani don’t come in force–they slip in silently. And any hope Beta had of a peaceful life is lost. She leaves in the dead of night to find the E’mani stronghold and end them once and for all. But love is a tricky bitch. It takes a threat to Marin’s safety to make Beta realize, if she can’t forget her past, she won’t have a future.


“That is for later. No peeking.” Well, now I deeply regretted not looking. He must have read my expression because his laughter rang out.
“I love you.”
And just like that he dropped it on me. I froze like a deer in headlights. My heart fluttered. I’d suspected for a while that he did. He’d told it to me in so many small ways since I moved in. I was the first and last thing he thought of every day, that last he had told me. But this was the first time he used the L word. How I felt was more complicated. I was human and he was Fost. And to be honest, I didn’t know what I was anymore, not after the E’mani because I wasn’t me.
He laughed even more at my expression. “It is all right, I do not expect a response, but I wanted you to know.” He glanced down and shifted in his seat.
I pretended it was fine like he said and cleared my throat. “So.”
The silence stretched for a few beats. But it wasn’t all right.
Oh, forget it. I was no good at lying to myself or anyone else. He needed something.

Buy links:

Amazon - http://tinyurl.com/zcqpodd
KOBO - https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/can-t-forget
Champagne Books - http://champagnebooks.com/store/index.php?id_product=649&controller=product
Itunes – https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/cant-forget/id1116326364?mt=11

About Colleen:
Colleen S. Myers was raised in a large catholic family in the outskirts of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where she grew up on Harlequin teen romances and stories from her mother’s days as a paramedic. She went on to attend Allegheny College majoring in Biology and English.

After college, Colleen spent a year in service in the Americorp giving back to the community at a local Pittsburgh Women Infants and Children Clinic (WICC) before attending Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine on a military scholarship.

Upon completing medical school, Colleen attended residency at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland and was on base in Washington, DC during 9/11. She earned three meritorious service awards from the military. After serving seven years of active duty, she promptly landed a position at the VA to provide fellow veterans with optimum medical care. 

Still an avid fan of romances into adulthood, her love of the genre inspired her to hone her craft as a writer, focusing on contemporary romance and science fiction. Her background in medicine and the
military provides an inspiring layer of creative realism to her stories and characters.

Her first book, Must Remember, the first book in the Solum series, is published by Champagne Press. The sequel, Can’t Forget, coming in June 2016, is the recipient of the 2015 RWA New England Readers Award.

Colleen currently resides in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with her husband and son, and spends her spare time writing. She is also working on a new contemporary romance.

Look for her at Three Rivers Romance Writers, at Facebook Colleen Myers, and at @ColleenSMyers.

Social Media links:

Website: http://www.colleensmyers.com/
Blog: http://www.csmyersmusings.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColleenSMyers
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ColleenSMyers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/csmyers3637/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/csmyers3637/
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/114862374558510360435/posts
Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/colleen-myers-883a66b6?trk=hp-identity-name
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Colleen-S.-Myers/e/B016XCBKA2/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14553363.Colleen_S_Myers

Book purchase sites:

Saturday, 4 June 2016

#NewRelease #Giveaway: Beyond Love by J.J. Lore #SciFi #Romance

Welcome to the Book Tour for Beyond Love by JJ Lore. And be sure to read to the bottom for your chance to win a $25 Amazon eGift card from Sensuous Promos!

Every mining outpost needs a sheriff, and Eidan Cozad is just the Eleoni for the job. Newly arrived on planet with his deputy sister in tow, he faces corruption, hostility, and nearly continuous rain. A chance encounter with a defiant human postal worker adds yet one more complication to his mission. 

Neat and tidy Teah Ruida thought when the Eleoni arrived and enforced some law and order, it would be easier for her to deliver her packages. Instead, she’s somehow become embroiled in spat after spat with the handsome and assertive Sheriff himself. Even though she doesn’t want to think about it, she’s become madly curious if the rumor about the strange markings Eleoni hide under their clothes is true. 

Tension between Eidan and Teah ignites into passion that defies the barriers between their races. When there’s a violent ambush initiated by the settlement’s criminal organization, the future of their love hangs in the balance.


Fun Author Interview
Who I am
J. J. Lore
What genres I write in
Sci-fi romance; m/m, ménage, and m/f
Favorite genres to read
Science thrillers, horror, and non-fiction
Favorite TV shows
Currently Marvel’s Agents of Shield, Daredevil, and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. I also like Face Off, Project Runway, Rome, Broadchurch, and Sherlock
Last movie I saw on the big screen
The Revenant, which I loved.
What’s on my Netflix list (to be watched)
Luther, The Borgias
Coffee or Tea
Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon
Chocolate or Caramel
Chocolate, the darker the better
Apple Cider or Pumpkin Spice
Pumpkin Spice
Rock N Roll or Country
Neither! Jazz or classical, please.
Lumberjack or Police Officer
Let’s combine them into a Park Ranger!
Tropical Island or Winter Cabin
Depends on the season, during the winter, I want to escape to the islands, but during the summer, I want to cool off on some snowy mountain. Perverse.

Leave a comment below (along with your email address) for your chance to win a $25 Amazon eGift Card. And stop by all the other stops on this tour to increase your chances of winning! 

Andrew Jericho http://andrewjericho.com/
Characters Behaving Badly http://charactersbehavingbadly.com

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Smuggler's Bounty Blog Tour sponsored by Sunshine Reads #HistoricalRomance @author_vanessa

Apologies to Vanessa Liebe and Sunshine Tours for getting this post up late. 

Readers, be sure to check out the Rafflecopter giveaway below for your chance to win!

Wordpress VL Blog Tour

Vanessa Liebe Smuggler's Bounty

Tour Titles Blurb

Elizabeth Thornton is left all alone in Georgian England after losing her parents in a tragic accident, so she travels to Cornwall to live with her kindly, older, and very proper Aunt Judith. Soon, however, she begins to suspect her aunt of hiding something nefarious. Determined to learn the truth behind the strange goings on, she sets out on a quest for the truth. A quest that leads to danger, and trouble with the law, and a very handsome smuggler with a firm hand and smoldering, sexy eyes who is as determined to keep Elizabeth safe as she seems to be to put herself in harm's way.

map and spyglass 

William is growing tired of the smuggler's life of danger and instability. If he can just finish his last run, he can give it all up and finally settle down, find love, and start a family. But he already has a preventative officer hot on his heels who is determined to end his career and throw him in jail – or worse. The beautiful, headstrong Elizabeth is a complication he does not need. But she, too, is hot on his heels – and irresistible. Now he must avoid capture, and find time to discipline this woman with an appetite for adventure, who seems determined to steal his heart. 

ship and moon 

When these two are together passions ignite, sparks fly, and danger lurks around every corner. Can Elizabeth and William avoid the law? Will they finally find the happiness that has so long eluded them both?

  Tour Titles Social Media Links
Tour Titles Buy Links

smugglers bounty cover

      Tour Titles Excerpt 

She closed the library door and immediately went over to the fireplace with her lantern.
She managed to light the candle in it with the tinder box she'd been given and then pulled on the fire poker once more. The entrance slid open and she ducked down to go inside. She was so keen to explore that she didn't consider that it might be dangerous, and simply stepped into the tunnel. There was a catch just inside the tunnel that closed the door behind her.
Elizabeth took a deep breath and walked forward with her lantern lighting the way. The tunnel was all wooden paneling at first and so she thought she must still be inside the house. But she soon came to some steps that led a long way down. Then she had to be careful, holding the lantern and her skirts up around her as she made her way carefully down them. When she reached the bottom, the walls were roughly hewn rock and she felt that thrill of adventure again as she realized that she must be underground somewhere.
Elizabeth was so preoccupied with her thoughts that it was a complete shock when she was suddenly grabbed from the side. She dropped her lantern with a shriek and the glass casing smashed. The candle sputtered out and she was left in complete darkness with the man who had grabbed her. He covered her mouth to stop her cries and held her tightly against him.
Elizabeth kicked and struggled in panic before biting hard into the hand that covered her mouth. The man swore but held onto her.
"Curiosity killed the cat, sweetness," the man purred into her ear, causing her neck hairs to stand on end. "And if you bite me again you little hell cat, I'll bite back."
She shivered in fear, and something else she'd rather not admit to, at the sound of that voice. It was the handsome smuggler from last night - the leader. Although Elizabeth was scared of what he might do with her for meddling, she hoped that she could reason with him, especially if she let him know who her aunt was. However, all coherent thought stopped as he ran a hand over her body.
"I'd better check you for weapons." It was whispered into her ear and she gasped as her nipples tightened in response to him. His hand ran quickly over her chest, briefly squeezing her full breasts through her gown and she was almost disappointed that it didn't linger. Instead it moved quickly down, over her stomach and then back up over each of her arms.
"Do I need to check under your skirts, girl? Do you have a weapon strapped to a shapely leg perhaps?"
Elizabeth gulped and shook her head violently. Please don't let him check there.
He removed his hand from her mouth so that she could speak.
"No." Her voice came out as a squeak. "Please… I haven't got any weapons."
For a moment the man just held her against his hard chest and she felt like swooning.
He was so overwhelming. But then he pulled her into a strange little niche in the rocks that had been converted into a small room. He let her go while he shut the door behind him. The room was well lit by candles and she saw a desk strewn with papers in front of her before she whirled around to face him. She looked at him defiantly then almost gasped aloud at the devastating effect of the man up close. He really was gorgeously made.
"What are you going to do with me?" she asked nervously, licking her lips and unintentionally drawing his eyes to their moist softness.

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Monday, 30 May 2016

#NewRelease #Giveaway Tour: Dark Captive: Manlove Edition by @EvernightPub #GLBT #Romance

Everyone has a dark side.., 

Dark Captive is an exclusive collection of dark erotic romance stories featuring alpha men with fierce sexual appetites. They'll stop at nothing to get what they want. And they have their sights on one man. Possessive and bold, these heroes give their conquests exactly what they crave—to be taken … to be owned. Any resistance offered will be tested, but in the end love rules. 

Kidnapping, abduction, and sexual slavery are just a few of the titillating taboo themes in this hand-picked manlove anthology.

Shanghai by Pelaam

Successful businessman and co-owner of the Leather Slipper, Noah has led a purposely solitary life since the death of his husband. However his attention is captivated by the aggressive and apparently anti-social Finn who frequents his bar.

 When Finn assaults Noah in the bar, it gives Noah a priceless opportunity to show Finn he knows exactly what Finn needs.

 When an irresistible force and an immovable object collide, sparks fly. Can Noah prove to Finn he can be trusted?


Noah gave a mental shrug. I’m pretty laid back unless I’m immersed in a scene. No good me trying to pre-empt how he’ll behave. Just go with the flow.

Finding a comfortable niche, Noah watched the various couples. Two Doms were working one sub, his mouth wrapped around one Dom’s solid cock as the other paddled his ass. Another couple were using a flogger, and at the end, a sub was manacled to chains dangling from the ceiling. A flash of platinum caught Noah’s eye and he moved deeper, working his way through the crowd,

Sure enough, it was Finn. The man seemed mesmerized with the scene. The sub everyone was watching wore male lingerie–matching pink bra and panties—and black hold ups with a pink lace trim. His silver stilettos had to be at least four inches high, but he owned the scene.

He and his Dom pushed everyone’s buttons as the Dom prowled around his captive with a flogger, occasionally flicking it over him, while the sub kept silent, glaring at his Dom, the tension building. When the Dom pulled his sub’s hard cock free, there were more than a few groans. But when the Dom started to fuck his sub, a look of ecstasy lit up the sub’s face, and a lot more of the gathered crowd openly groaned.

Choosing the moment very carefully, Noah made his move, circling around Finn so the blond wouldn't see him until Noah had already reached him.

Stepping in front of Finn, Noah smiled. “My name’s Noah. I’ve seen you around here quite a lot. Always alone. Care to have a drink with me?” Despite the softness of Noah’s approach and tone of voice, Finn jerked as if he’d been touched by a cattle prod.

“Not interested. Piss off.” Recovering quickly, Finn glared at him.

“You may not be interested in the subs sniffing around you, but that’s natural since you’re a sub yourself." The flash of fear that flickered in Finn’s eyes took Noah by surprise. Without thinking he reached out to him. Finn shot out a fist, catching Noah solidly on the nose. Grunting Noah stepped back, touching his nose gingerly. It was bleeding, but not badly. One of his security men appeared within seconds.

“You okay, Boss? You want me to throw him out?” The man eyed Finn as he would dog shit on the sole of his shoe.

“No. Just a misunderstanding.” Noah shook his head, taking a perverse pleasure in Finn’s shocked look. “That’s right. I’m that Noah. This is my club.” He took a step closer to Finn, as if the crowd around them no longer existed, his gaze locked on the other man’s. “You and I will meet again. See you. Soon.”

Purchase from Evernight Publishing:  

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Purchase from All Romance eBooks:


Join the Party with Evernight and their Authors:

Facebook Party: Thursday, May 26th:

$50 Evernight GC Giveaway

Visit all of the tour stops to find out more about each story in this amazing anthology! 

Dark Captive MM Anthology
            Taylor Brooks http://authortaylorbrooks.blogspot.com
            Sensuous Promos http://sensuouspromos.blogspot.com        
            Lea’s Crazy Nights https://leabronsen.com/crazy-nights-blog/
            Liz’s Reading Life https://lizjosette.blogspot.com
            Michelle Graham www.michellegrahambooks.com
            Ravenna Tate http://ravennatate.blogspot.com
Donina Lynn doninalynn.com
            Kitty’s Book Spot! 2kasmom.Booklikes.com
(this will be a facebook blurb post and not an excerpt containing blog post)

            Blog Reviews Janis F https://bookreviewsjanisf.com/
Illustrious Illusions Www.illustriousillusions.com
            Jules Dixon  www.julesdixon.com/blog-3/
Erzabets Enchantments           Http://erzabetsenchantments.blogspot.com
            Nessie’s Place https://nesiesplace.wordpress.com
            L.D. Blakeley www.ldblakeley.com/blog