Sunday, 2 December 2012

'Tis the season...

The snow outside my window this morning reminded me that, yes, it's that time of the year again. The holidays, whatever you call them and whether you celebrate or not, are about to catch up with us.

So for me. this means sending out Season Greetings to all my friends and readers. For you, this means pressies!

If you'd like to have a photograph of your favourite cover - or two, or three or, hell, all of them! - signed or not, or a postcard with my author banner in time for the holidays, just send me an e-mail with your request and your physical mailing address.
(Of course you can have photos and signed stuff all year round, all you have to do is tell me ;) )

So, what are you waiting for? Ah, right, my email address. Here it is: marlowe.sage (at)
Or just send me a private message on Facebook:

And just a little reminder - when I say author banner, this is what I'm talking about:

Yummy, eh?

Oh, and in case you're worried about the post man getting an eyeful, I can put everything into a nice and discreet envelope...


  1. I want it all!!! And dont care if the postman sees hahahah <3 you Sage!
    Chris NoOne

  2. Okay, Chris - I guess you're postman is in for a little surprise soon!

  3. You know I'll have whatever you can give! (Noah? Please? Pretty please?)
    Oh and a signed pic of you too?

    1. Lol, Lyn, I'm not sure I can give you Noah. Even if I ever decided to give him away, I'm afraid my lovely editor has first dibs on him. I will however be happy to send you a photo of the cover ;) And, erm, a picture of me??? Um, well... *blush*
